LIFT Programs in Lincoln County

Check out this link to find information about current programs going on in your area.  LIFT Classes are for children ages 3-5 years. 

American Winter Film Screening in Lincoln City

American Winter Film Screening in Lincoln City

The Lincoln City HELP Program, along with partners Family Promise of Lincoln County and the Backpack For Kids Program present a one time screening of American Winter on Saturday, February 1st at 11:00am for a free showing of the film American Winter at the Bijou Theater at 1624 Hwy 101 in Lincoln City.

An award-nominated HBO documentary, filmed in Portland by brothers, Harry and Joe Gantz, American Winter follows the personal stories of 8 Oregon families in the aftermath of the Great Recession, looking past the myths and misconceptions of homelessness at the reality.

At the conclusion of the showing, a panel will be available for a question and answer discussion period. The panel members will include Hanna Connett, Lincoln City Help Advocate, Linda Roy, Interim Director, Family Promise of Lincoln County, Bill Hall, Lincoln County Commissioner and Pat Robertson, Backpack for Kids Program.

Admission is free but donations are appreciated. Monetary donations will benefit the Help Center and Family Promise and non-perishable food items will benefit the Backpack Program

L.I.F.T. Learning is Fun Together

Exciting News!

L.I.F.T. Learning is Fun Together, is a Preschool Program designed for 3-5 year old children and their parent(s)/guardian(s).

The L.I.F.T. Program in Lincoln City is gearing up to start on December 10th.  The first 10 week session of L.I.F.T. will be offered at Taft Early Learning Center on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from 9am to Noon.  Robyn Myers will be the lead Instructor.  This class is open to 3-5 year old children and parents are encouraged to attend.   Registration is on a first come first served basis. Registration information can be obtained by calling the Lincoln City HELP Center at 541-996-4878. 

Volunteer Tutor for the Lincoln City HELP Program

Volunteer Tutor for the Lincoln City HELP Program

Volunteer Craig helping students in the Taft 7-12 Achievement Club

Happy 2013-2014 School Year!

As various programs get going to parallel the new school year, the HELP Programs and opportunities for those that need them are starting up as well! We have various resources such as after-school tutoring, the backpack program, youth clothing/ supply closets, read and feeds, and other events/ resources for families.

Contact your local HELP Center for more information on their specific programs!

Additionally, we are ALWAYS looking for volunteers! If any of these interest you and you’d like to give back to the Lincoln County community, please contact your local volunteer coordinator! 


Back-to-School BBQ

With the start of school coming up soon, the Newport HELP Center is getting ready to host it’s Back-to-School BBQ event, which provides school supplies to students in need.  This years event will be held on Tuesday, August 28th at the Yaquina View School gym.

Volunteers are an integral part of the success of this event. Volunteers are needed in two different shifts, from 10:30-2 and from 3:30-7.  Throughout the day we will need 30 volunteers to help as personal shoppers, meal servers, info booth attendants, clothing organizers, and restockers.

Donations of backpacks for all ages are also needed. Backpacks can be dropped off in Newport at Washington Federal bank or West Coast Bank, or at the Newport HELP Center. The center is also in need of new or gently used elementary-aged clothing.

If you are interested in donating or volunteering during the event please contact the Newport HELP Center at (541) 574-5824

Hot Dogs, Come Get Your Hot Dogs!

The East County Backpack Program is doing a fundraiser through the end of August. The Backpack Program serves over 65 students in Toledo and Siletz by sending home a backpack full of food each weekend throughout the school year.  Each Thursday we will be at the Thursday Market on Main Street in Toledo from 10am until 2pm. We are selling hotdogs, chips, and beverages to raise funds for the Backpack Program to grow and continue in the upcoming school year. Stop by our booth for information on the East County Backpack Program and HELP, and pick up a delicious lunch to support a great cause in our community!


Free summer meals and activities for youth in Newport

The Newport Family Literacy & H.E.L.P. Center will be offering the Summer Meal Program, which provides FREE lunch to children ages 1-18 throughout the summer. The meals will be held Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays at Sam Case Elementary from 12-1pm. In addition to the meal there will also be craft activities, story time, and other activities held each day for youth of all ages. The program starts June 19th and runs through August 23rd.

Oregon has higher than national average rates for hunger and food insecurity, according to an Oregon Food Bank report. Over half (61%) of Lincoln County students qualify for free or reduced lunch. Over 400 students in the district are considered homeless (defined as living with relatives or friends, awaiting foster care, or living in an emergency shelter, motel, campground, car or park).

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 12-1pm
Sam Case Elementary
459 NE 12th St., Newport

*This institution is an equal opportunity provider.

Do you have a spare hour each week, or every other week? Volunteers are also needed to assist with handing out meals, read with children, and conduct craft activities. Contact Brittany at 541-574-5824 if you are interested in volunteering.

LCSD HELP is now on Idealist!

Check out the LCSD H.E.L.P. Center on!  Visit our page on Idealist to view open volunteer positions throughout the county. You an also view upcoming events for each of our centers.




The North County H.E.L.P. Program would like to invite you all to view the film, America’s Invisible Children, Wednesday March 21st 6-7:30pm to Lincoln City Community Center, Conference Room, 2150 NE Oar Pl Lincoln City, OR 97367.

Refreshments and snacks will be provided.

A second showing will be held at Gleneden Beach Community Center, 110 Azalea St. Gleneden Beach, OR 97388. Tuesday March 27nd 6-7:30pm.

There are over 1.3 million homeless children in America. This film shares the personal stories of homeless children from elementary to high school, overcoming unimaginable obstacles every day, in order to get their education. After the film, there will be a discussion of the crisis of homeless students and families in Lincoln City.

For more information, contact Hanna Connett at 541-996-4878 or